One’s own story begins to take shape when, respecting the origins, one begins to walk without fear of moving forwards. This has always been the aim of Casa Sendra. The know-how of the best llonganissa craftsmen, the obsession to achieve perfection and the desire to make an impression that is unique, professional and of quality come together to produce the best sausage in the country.

The history of Casa Sendra is penned in lines that follow the tradition, the respect and the love for the world of the sausage; of how a llonganissa destined for family consumption ended up becoming a prestige product recognised by the finest palates in the world.

To obtain a product that is genuine and with all its essence it is crucial to attend to every detail, respecting a scrupulous curing process and having the best raw material so that the llonganissa can become a unique and exclusive sausage.

A llonganissa in three different versions to demonstrate all the excellent qualities of the best sausage. Three products with a single common denominator: respect for their origins and their high gastronomic quality.